My 96-Year-Old Dad has a Green Thumb in West Virginia


My 96-Year-old Dad has a Green Thumb in West Virginia

My father and I are enjoying the season and have put in a raised bed garden in his yard. This is the first year, but he is enjoying all phases . . . soil prep, planting, cultivation, and harvesting.

When I was a kid we always had a garden that my dad worked. I was not interested, or was too too lazy to help, but did listen and learn from him. In addition to vegetables, we had apple trees that he would graft different apples onto and quite a grape arbor. He has always had an interest and a great deal of knowledge about all flowers, plants, and trees, and has always had a green thumb.

Our tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and beans have really been a hit this year. My dad's favorite is kale. We have grown curly, Tuscan, and Siberian kale this year with great success. We fry it up with bacon, onions, and sometime collard greens . . . YUM!

For the last two years I had a garden, which my dad took care of when I traveled for work. This year I am retiring and we put one in his yard, so we are getting double the pleasure of sharing with family, friends, and neighbors.

-Story contributed by Vic S.

Photos Show

Harvesting the garden

Harvesting the garden

The first year's crops. [View Additional File Details]

Zucchini, eggplant, summer squash

Zucchini, eggplant, summer squash

A bounty of produce from this West Virginia garden. [View Additional File Details]

Kale from the garden

Kale from the garden

A favorite of the family. [View Additional File Details]

Excited for the harvest

Excited for the harvest

The author's father was always tinkering in the garden or outside. [View Additional File Details]

Happy about tomatoes

Happy about tomatoes

The garden is full of surprises. [View Additional File Details]

The author and his father

The author and his father

The two have worked together to start a garden. [View Additional File Details]

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“My 96-Year-Old Dad has a Green Thumb in West Virginia,” Community of Gardens, accessed March 30, 2025, https:/​/​communityofgardens.​si.​edu/​items/​show/​12413.​
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