Our Native Plant Pollinator Garden


We chose native plants because they provide ideal habitat for countless species of wildlife including birds, insects, and pollinators such as hummingbirds and monarch butterflies. Because they are perfectly adapted to local conditions, particularly compared to turf grass, native plants require far less water, less maintenance, no mowing, and less or no chemical pesticides and fertilizers that flow from our yards into the local streams and watershed, harming these same beautiful species we all love in our community. And native plants are beautiful, often with showy flowers, colorful fruits and seeds, interesting textures, and spectacular seasonal colors!  

We LOVE our native landscape and local wildlife loves it too! Between July and October, we had multiple daily visits by monarchs, eastern tiger swallowtails, great spangled fritillaries, skippers, and other butterflies; ruby-throated hummingbirds; and an immeasurable variety of insects that love to buzz around our native plants.

I started this list of species we have seen in our front yard - it’s incomplete, particularly in the bird category: Monarch, American painted lady butterfly, Eastern tiger swallowtail, pearl crescent butterfly,  Great spangled fritillary, Cabbage white, Zabulon skipper, Silver spotted skipper, Gray hairstreak, Holarctic azure/ebony jewelwing, widow skimmer, Fall webworm moth, Hanging thieves, Double-banded Scoliid Wasp, Eremnophila aureonotata, Dark paper wasp, Harvestmen, Genus Euryopis, Tribe hesperiini , American Nursery Web Spider, wren, bluebird, cardinal, and ruby-throated hummingbird.

We've included a video showing the transformation of our yard from turf grass to native plant garden

-Story contributed by Sara H.

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Pearl crescent butterfly

Pearl crescent butterfly

Enjoying a blazing star in the pollinator garden. [View Additional File Details]

Ebony jewelwing

Ebony jewelwing

On a white wood aster. [View Additional File Details]

Blue eyed grass

Blue eyed grass



Host plant to the American painted lady butterfly caterpillar. [View Additional File Details]

Green & gold

Green & gold

Chrysogonum virginianum L. [View Additional File Details]

Nodding onion

Nodding onion

A unique native wildflower. [View Additional File Details]

Buttonbush plants

Buttonbush plants

These flowers are magnets for pollinators, including this eastern tiger swallowtail. [View Additional File Details]

Eastern tiger swallowtail

Eastern tiger swallowtail

Resting on an eastern hay-scented fern. [View Additional File Details]

Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

On the pod of its host plant, common milkweed. [View Additional File Details]

Joe pyeweed

Joe pyeweed

A favorite of the monarch butterfly. [View Additional File Details]

Widow skimmer

Widow skimmer

On carex amphibola. [View Additional File Details]

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“Our Native Plant Pollinator Garden ,” Community of Gardens, accessed July 27, 2024, https:/​/​communityofgardens.​si.​edu/​items/​show/​12405.​
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