Ancestral Roots Community Garden, Menlo Park Neighborhood


The Ancestral Roots Community Garden is in Chattanooga’s Menlo Park Neighborhood. The garden plantings and design are inspired by traditional Southern African American yards and home gardens. Greens, beans, okra, muscadine, herbs, corn, watermelons and squash are all growing in the garden. Also included are a row of fruit trees and flowering plants.

The garden is a partnership of a local organization, RISE, and the neighborhood association. The garden was built by Whole Earth Gardens and is tender by community members and visiting groups of school children. The Ancestral Roots Garden is located at the corner of Gillespie Street and Shallowford Road in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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Planting seedlings

Planting seedlings

Even the youngest children help out in the community garden. [View Additional File Details]

Planting seeds in the raised beds

Planting seeds in the raised beds

Greens, beans, okra, muscadine, herbs, corn, watermelons and squash are just a few of the crops in the garden. [View Additional File Details]

Lettuce ready for transplanting

Lettuce ready for transplanting

Everyone pitching in to plant the garden beds at the Ancestral Roots community garden. [View Additional File Details]

Volunteers built the garden from the ground up

Volunteers built the garden from the ground up

The garden is a partnership of a local organization, RISE, and the neighborhood association. [View Additional File Details]

Garden Website

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“Ancestral Roots Community Garden, Menlo Park Neighborhood ,” Community of Gardens, accessed March 30, 2025, https:/​/​communityofgardens.​si.​edu/​items/​show/​12389.​
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