Taneyhills Community Library Garden


The Taneyhills Library Garden was a bare landscape. With a grant from the Master Gardeners of the Ozarks and donations from supporters of the library, new gardens were established. One of the Master Gardeners and a Library board member helped establish the Taneyhills Junior Gardeners. The Junior Gardeners helped beautify the library grounds while learning valued skills such as project ownership, landscaping value, teamwork, and team pride in accomplishments.

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Taneyhills Library receives beautification award

Taneyhills Library receives beautification award

The Junior Gardeners received an award from the city of Branson honoring their hard work tending the garden at the library. [View Additional File Details]

Junior Gardeners help with garden installation

Junior Gardeners help with garden installation

The Junior Gardeners help Master Gardeners with the new gardens at the Taneyhills Community Library in Branson, Missouri. [View Additional File Details]

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pslicer, “Taneyhills Community Library Garden,” Community of Gardens, accessed July 27, 2024, https:/​/​communityofgardens.​si.​edu/​items/​show/​12289.​
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